Monday, February 10, 2014

- trials in life -

Assalaamu alaikum everyone!

I have been rather down these few days. I really have lost hope in life. I have been always getting problems which some might be due to myself, but I definitely make an effort to solve the problem. But otherwise, the problems I get seem to be solution-less. 

I always think back, why does this ever happen to me? Is there something wrong with me? Is it because of my sins? why? why? why? 
I have not been a good daughter. I have not been a good student. I have not been a good classmate. I have not been a good person accountable for my life.

What do I do? Just then I hear my Mother talking on the phone to her friends. "After coming to this path, we will definitely face problems. Problems from family, relatives, any kind of problem. It is to see who we turn to..." Then I realized all good and bad come from Him. Ihtizah, otherwise known as predetermined fate. We should take the negative parts of our life as our our ihtiza. 

But, to solve these problems, firstly, I would need to be a good Muslim. A good slave to my Owner. 

Inshaa'allah, these problems would soon be over. I would smile again. 

So I hereby, kind of take it as my goal:
- to pray the 5 daily prayers on time
- to make doa, or supplication to Allah
- to read the Qur'an at least once everyday
- do thikir

Very soon, I am going to end my life in polytechnic. After that, inshaa'allah I would be back with another post. Till then, please doa for me.. :)

Sources for images:  

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