Thursday, July 18, 2013

1 whole tired day...

Its been quite some time since I last blogged, almost going to be a week! Phew!

So, today was really really REALLY long day!!! Had an excursion in school. Initially I didn't wanted to go. But since it was COMPULSORY (I still didn't care, but my Mum was the one who forced me to go), I decided to go.

After sahr, subuh, started my laptop to listen to my Sheikh's bayan. Then I went to get ready, and watched the 2nd half of the program. While listening, I was either TRYING to fall asleep (to show Mum that I'm THAT tired, make her ask me to sleep, and skip the excursion), or I REALLY started to sleep (as I was really tired). But, I know that I was pretending. And I didn't feel like cheating Mum.

Decision was made to finally leave my house and go to school!

Reached school on time for the excursion. Waited for some time for the rest to come. Then left school. Oh ya, as my friends didn't take this module, they need not come. And hence was really worried about who was going to sit beside me in the bus (1 of the reasons as I wanted to skip this!! But hey, you gotta congratulate me for taking a brave step to overcome this challenge!!) Yeah, while everyone was sitting in the bus, waiting for the teachers, I was just looking out the window to surprise myself later to know who my partner was.

And guess what?

It was my 1 of my teachers who sat beside me. THAT WAS SO SO SOOO AWKWARD!!!! But it was okay. I can't remember who started to talk first, but we talked!! (I mean, I find it difficult to always start or keep a convo, and furthermore a TEACHER!! It would be difficult to really talk comfortably to your own teacher for like half an hour?) Ok, but we didn't really talk that long. As far as I can remember, there were 3-4 exchanges between us. After that as I didn't know what else to talk about, it ended there.

Ok, enough about talking!

We reached the 1st location. Walked here, walked there. Then there was a finale ending kind of talk and we listened to the speakers who were the employees of the company. As I was alone, and hence free to sit anywhere I wanted, I went and sit in a row of girls, with 3 empty chairs at the start of the row. I went and sat beside one of the girls. (let's call her Pauline) Then while waiting for everyone to settle down, suddenly Pauline started saying something to me! I was like surprised! I mean, we have never talked before, and she started talking as though we were already friends.

Now and then she started saying about things that was happening at the talk. We became friends! I was happy that I got a buddy! (or at least some one to hang out with throughout the excursion) I always believed she was very quiet, and didn't realise she can start a convo out of nowhere!

Then after the talk had ended, we moved on to our buses (sad that we were from different class). Reached 2nd location, but before that it was lunch break. I went along with Pauline to find seats, and that place was so crowded! We would have walked 3 times back and forth the whole stretch of stalls. And I still can't believe Singaporeans are still using the tissue method to chope seats.

Truthfully, never in my life have I ever seen tissues on top of tables that were meant to be 'reserevd'. Till I watched (what was the drama?) ah, it was, 'The Pupil'. One of the episodes was about this tissue issue (nice huh? :) But I seriously feel this should be like banned or something. Why can't one person in a group wait and take care of things, while the rest go and buy their food? Seriously I can't believe adults act this way. I'm proud to say that throughout my entire school life we have never used tissue to chope seats.

Ok, so back to the story. Pauline and I decided that the only way was to share seats with some one. We found one guy sitting and sipping his coffee, and Pauline went to ask him. He said ok, and we sat. She went on to buy her meal, while I was sms-ing Rini (what could I do? I couldn't possibly be looking at people eating, which would arouse my hunger sense, but still the whole aroma of the stalls made me feel a teeny weeny bit hungry).

After lunch, at the 2nd location, I went along with her. What I feel something different about her is that, her convos are so different and how do I say? Hmm, just different, from the convos I normally have with people. That was the plus point! She could talk about anything and everything!

Then we moved to 3rd location. This is where we had to be separated (also in the buses, but, location0-based separation) We had to be split into two groups to save time.
 After that when it was time to go home, she went first with some others as they lived nearby the 3rd location. I had to go back to school, and from there as usual take my bus and train.

And I don't know what is the reason but I really found my bus taking a really really long time to arrive! I could not be patient anymore as the bustop crowd grew larger. So I went to the other side and took my bus. Technically, the other side is a longer route, but still, I would be able to take 3 buses there instead of 1 at the usual here. Bus came quickly. It was a double decker. I decided to go up and take a nap till my stop. Then decided not to as the bus had started moving, and I didn't want to climb the stairs awkwardly. I should have at least gone up at the next stop, but too lazy.

Then comes the mrt station. I do not know why it takes damn long for the trains to arrive! Like almost 8 mins at Jurong East. When I saw the screen at first, it showed 3 mins. But it didn't arrive! Trains on the other sides except at the one I was waiting for, came and came ad came. Crowds grew again behind us, and infront of us at the other side of the platform.

Finally realised that the 3 mins train was arriving at a different platform! SIgh, I can't believe I still do not know how to read these signs. My train came, I stood at the centre, grabbed the pole (that's what you call it right?), as I prefer to hold onto something. I can struggle alot to stand without holding onto anything, and especially if I'm carrying my baby (laptop). Then this old man, who came from the opposite entrance, came and first hold onto the pole, then decided to lean back. I quickly took my hand away! I also can't understand why people should lean onto poles!! You are preventing a million lives from holding onto the pole!!

Then I was like standing trying my best not to topple over, or step onto someone's feet if I lose my balance. But the thing is (which I don't know whether to say it is a good thing or a bad thing) the train went extremely slow! Slower than usual! I really wanted to get back home asap to grab some sleep. But if it had gone fast, chances are high of me toppling over.

My stop came, walked, walked and walked more to reach home! Then I saw Lucifer (neighbourhood cat) sitting so cutely at the neighbouring block beside mine! I looked at it and smiled, Lucifer looked at me and just kept on staring (of course, cats don't really smile). Reached home, and wanted to rest awhile before praying. Then as you know me, fell asleep. But alhamdulillah, Allah woke me up for me to pray.

Had iftar consisting of mee goreng (made by my granny who passed some to us), instant roti prata (made by Rini I guess), idiyappam (made by Mum), to accompany the prata and idiyappam, mutton curry, porridge, mocha cake, and tea. Couldn't taste my Mum's mutton curry, as I ate mee goreng, but nevertheless the mee goreng was AWESOME!!! :D

This was my whole day of events. Inshaa'allah, must sleep soon to wake up for sahr tomorrow, and inshaa'allah, I could get my hands on the mutton curry. Speaking, of it my stomach is doing something, so gonna grab an oreo!! Till we meet again, toodles!!! :)

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