Monday, July 8, 2013

Bismillah! Starting on my blog!

So excited! Finally made my mind to start a blog. So, where shall I begin? ok, so intro first! I'll be using a ps... (checking google), (ya, found it), so I'll be using a pseudonym for myself which is Rohi. (this is to hide my identity, hide identity of people in my life) (just for safety reasons). Ok so I'm Rohi, in a family of 4, Dad, Mum, and Rini, my younger sister.

Omg, what do I write? ok, nevermind, I have written notes in handphone, but I thought, it would be wonderful to share it with others, so my blog will comprise of the notes in my handphone, and also my life experiences.

About me - living in Singapore. Indian-muslim (meaning we are muslims who speak tamil). A disciple for my Sheikh (a guide who brings you towards Allah). A student currently doing my final year studies in a polytechnic. Love to play games, love sweets, loves a good company of people around me. A bit of a perfectionist, too sensitive, likes fashion trend.

About closed ones - 
Dad - A hardworking dad. Someone who I always feel is right in whatever he do. My role-model. In fact a role-model for everyone around him. I love the way he laughs! Oldest in the family.

Mum - A home-maker. Always nagging. Asking me or Rini to do something, bring this bring that, do this, do that. Fighter. Someone who I can't really understand well, as sometimes she takes a joke too seriously, but something serious as a joke. If I do something this way, she would ask why I didn't do it that way, and vice versa. Second oldest in the family.

Rini - A cutie pie sister who I've got, from Allah! She is smarter than me, prettier than me, cuter than me, younger than me by 1 year and shorter than me!! hahhah!! of course, as an elder sister I should be taller. She is my bestfriend!! No, no, she is more than a best friend!! I always feel that I am, who I am around her. I love her smile! Youngest in the family.

So since this is the 1st post, its just the introduction before I begin to unravel my life's experiences. So toodles for now, byes!!! :D 

Oh ya, totally forgot about the rules for commenting. I would really prefer something positive and genuinine. No vulgarities / short forms of them / rephrasement of vulgarities (not sure how to explain these) / harsh and negative comments, are allowed. Thank you and I hope you achieve an enjoyable reading pleasure!

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