Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Ramadan Preparation

Assalamu alaikum to my readers! I have decided to have a plan for the upcoming Ramadan. So here I go. Firstly, since I became a mureed (disciple) to my Sheikh (spiritual teacher), I have been asked to do a daily thikir that comprises of 125 astagfirullahulaleem, 100 salawats to our beloved Prophet Muhammad Nabi (s.a.w), and 100 allahu allah.

Ever since then, I have been keeping a record of the thikir in a notebook. But due to laziness, I have pending thikir to do. So this Ramadan I have decided to x2 in each thikir daily, Inshaa' allah. Even though it may appear small, I feel its time to really do something to decrease and eventually finish my thikir.

And another plan is that, I have teamed up with Rini, to read the Qur'an daily, each of us at least reading 2 Ains. We have started this plan, you know to get the feel, and its going okay. Hopefully Inshaa'allah, we read 2 Ains and more daily, and eventually complete reading the Qur'an by the end of the month.

Ramadan is a month for us to fast, which means to refrain from food and drink. But many fail to understand that there is fasting for the eyes, ears, mouth, and soul, that is to keep yourself away from the haram. 

Inshaa'allah I'm trying my very best at not to tease or scold Rini. Lets all strive to achieving a Ramadan which brings us tons of rewards! :)

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