Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Ramadan Day 1

Today is the 1st day of school for this year in Ramadan. Yesterday night, as a family, we went to Masjid Abdul Gafoor mosque, to do our tarawih prayers, (a special prayer during Ramadan). After praying tarawih, a blessed feeling that on the 1st night of Ramadan, (in our Islamic calendar, night comes before day) we have kick started well!!! Allah made us pray. Then to satisfy hunger pangs, went to Anandha Bavan restaurant to have our dinner.

After that, returned back home, slept to wake up early for sahr. But I could not even sleep. However much I try to, just could not sleep, maybe it was because I had an afternoon nap. Or it was because of the tea I had before sleeping.

Woke up for sahr and while I was completing half my plate, my Dad was rushing me to eat faster, as Subuh was nearing. I am naturally a slow eater. I don't know how people can eat so fast. Usually the last to complete my meal in family and also with my group of friends. Maybe because I savour the tastes of each grain and spice. After finally finishing, drank some water, and my mum made tea, and also asked to finish a cup. I drank the liquids, and finally managed to say my niyyah, (a form of intention for the upcoming task, which is in this case, "I'm fasting for the sake of Allah").

After Subuh, and some thikir, my mum asked to switch on my laptop to watch my Sheikh's bayan (speech). Then we watched the live program. It was (what should I say?), hmm, beautiful? Yeah, it certainly was. And we were lucky to have been able to watch that program as last year, the program did not work. It was definitely beautiful, as my Sheikh came to our house through the program. I really want him to come to Singapore! I really want to meet him. One could listen to his bayan for hours. The way he teaches us about who we are and who is Allah. Even though it was only for half an hour, it was defnitely worth watching. What more could I ask for to start off my day, by meeting my Sheikh? :)

Then it was time to go to school. The day went okay, but now and then I was tempted to get the water bottle from my bag, to take a sip, then I realise its Ramadan and hence I didn't even put a water bottle in my bag. After that went back home, with plans not to take a nap, as I decided to sleep properly at night. I also told Rini not to, but she didn't listen to me and was already asleep, as I came back from the restroom. Since it was about 5.45pm, I decided to past my time by playing games in my handphone. But I should have done thikir. 

Then, I was really bored of the game, and decided to just lie down for awhile, and had set alarms just in case I really sleep. Then what? I slept, alarm rang, snoozed. Until my Dad, came from the other room to wake us up, as it was nearing time to break our fast. He asked "have you prayed Asar?", and I got up, said no, and went to take wudhu. He scolded (in my dictionary), said (in Rini's dictionary) for sleeping without praying. And I felt bad. I know, it may appear, as though its a small thing or even NOTHING for some people, but I'm abit like this. I always feel bad, if anything negative comes from my parents. And Rini, she's a thick-skin girl, one ear go in, the other out. But I can't be like this. 

After breaking fast with dates, samosas, mee siam, porridge, and tea, it was time for Magrib prayer. After praying, my Dad went to mosque, while my mum went to visit her ill friend, so me and Rini were left at home. 

Now, I have prayed Ishak, read 2 Ains of the Qur'an, but yet to complete my goal of thikir. Rini spoilt my counter while throwing it to me, she threw higher, and it fell on the floor. Now, only the 1st digit can be seen. :( My mum, who is a nagger forever (rhyme time, hahah) would start her nagging whenever she realises that my counter is spoilt. 

But its ok, I could use the tasbih. And, I really hope, my parents bring me and Rini to the mosque to pray. One thing to expect for tomorrow, would be my Sheikh's bayan. Since I wrote about his bayan, I would like to share what I remember from the program. 
- Firstly, he said that during Ramadan, we are nearer to Allah than ever before. Why? Because, we are not eating, or drinking, and we are also obeying His orders which is to fast.
- Another thing is that, it is important to eat later for sahr (dawn time), and break the fast immediately upon Magrib (dusk time). 
- It is also important to think of Allah's mercy to us. He is the only living, He is the owner of knowledge, intention, energy, sight, hearing, speech. Allah has given these 7, to us to remember Him and worship Him. These 7 qualities do not belong to us. Our 7 qualities, are the opposite of the above 7 mentioned. 

These are some of things I remember from his bayan. Excited for tomorrow!!! So, till then toodles! :)

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