Thursday, November 28, 2013

Who wins? Mind or the Heart?

Assalaamu Alaikum n hies everyone!

Dilemma situation i'm always in..
Should i do the right?
Should i do the wrong?

It doesn't appear wrong when I feel that it gives me happiness..

I feel that if I do what the heart desires, i feel happy, but its actually wrong
I feel that if I do what the mind demands, i feel as though i'm disappointing those around me

In the end, I always choose the demands of the mind as I'm structured that way (meaning I don't deserve the credits, if it leads to good, it is Allah's design of how I should be) and also because I was created to obey Allah's commands, and lead the life the way Rasul (s.a.w) lived..

Inshaa'allah, Allah, Rasul (s.a.w) and my Sheikh will definitely show me the true path for being this way...

Saturday, November 2, 2013

A lil bit here and there, some chapters...

Hey everyone! Been away for so so soooooooo long! Yeah I know, I have been abandoning my bloggy for some time, reason, laziness, want to write but write it nicely and not like anyhow, so no time for that, okay so practically its just laziness, lets end it with that.

Okay, so life's been going quite interesting I must say in the time period from where I last left till now.. So, Hari Raya's over, Exams over, Internship is over, Results are out, School has started, Hari Raya Haji is over... hmm what else? Yeah basically these are my milestones or shall I say chapters of my life which have been missed out since my last post. So let me recap and let you all know what happened... :)

Hari Raya
To date I honestly can't remember what was so special? Either it was the usual Hari Raya outing, OR nothing pleasant happened and hence I can't remember, OR I am just too forgetful. Seriously, I cannot even remember what was my Hari Raya outfit.. Was it pink? I remember going to mosque that morning, and Rini had been teasing me saying that I belonged to the Malay guy group who were all wearing pink. But I only could remember an old Baju Kurong that was pink, and definitely I was not wearing that. End of topic.

Yeah I can remember abit of this period. Wow I sound like an dementia patient or a coma patient who have like lost all the memories and is recovering slowly!! hahah!! Okay so this time was abit stressing in my life! Actually the time period before my exams were most stressing. The Project Saga! Everyone had their own expectations of everyone. But their own expectations were thought of as the most priority or something. I mean there was not even a fair share of or what do they say? Is it, 'everyone had their say?' ? Is that what you call it? Okays nevermind! So there was abit of hoo haa, but once it was over, IT WAS OVER!!! YAY!!! :D Then exams... You could let a sigh of relief for me when you read those two words. Because, exams are way more easier to handle! (of course! it is your own exam and you are not affecting anyone else if you were to fail!) Actually of course I would be affecting myself and my family. (now suddenly I have this good thought which I didn't think of then!) Yeah, so exams went like exams as usual. Nothing much to say for this. End of topic.

Next is? Scrolls up, ah Internship!!! Wow I really had a different image on my mind when I thought of internship. Like am I going to lag behind, something like what if I didn't know how to use the printer, what if I spoilt something?

Then it began, and it was not that bad after all! Though my colleagues hated their job, I really enjoyed what I was doing!! (maybe it was the 'honeymoon' period as what some will say) But whatever it was I really was happy doing my job. It was like okay, maybe I feel this way cos... I'm abit old-fashioned... shhhh, keep it a secret!! I have a little mindset like those from my parents era. So I was like loving my job and was like working hard, because need to respect the superiors, the job, and do the job assigned diligently cos you are getting $$$ for what you are doing, so there should be enough value in it. I do not think that everyone in this era (<-- is this even the right word to describe? no right? haha I know, but it sounds so cool, but just go with the cool flow, and do not take it literally to be an era, okay?)

Yeah so I feel that many people are like talking or are even being like heck care attitude these days. These are all from what I heard and seen in TV and media, so if its not true, kudos to you that you belong to the same group as me!!! I even felt cool wearing all the cool office outwear (mine were not soo cool though, thanks to my mother, who does not buy me office outwear!!!) and being professional!!! I even thought if someone were to make a deal with me to exchange 3 years of my school life with 3 or 4 years of doing internship, I would graciously take the internship offer!!! I am not choosing it because I am getting $$$ which eventually goes to my mother, or into my bank account, you may be gasping at this moment but seriously I do not see the value in money though I know that it has a value and should not be treated lightly. Either I am still immature or this is just me. So I am choosing the second option because I enjoy what I do, yes people always say this, but what exactly? I enjoy the train journey to my work, where I can sit and sleep for about an hour, no sweating, no laptop to be carried, no walking long distances after every 2 hours, ah the simple pleasures of life!!!

I still think back of my company, my colleagues and all the small funny incidents! I even understood how hard it would be for my Father all these years. 9-5 job is nothing easy. There is like less time to 'play' during the day and during weekends it would be like 'yay no job today, I'm just going to spend it for myself!' something like that, but who else can't stand me being free? My mother, always asking me and Rini to do something once we come back home or during the weekends!!! So basically internship was like an awesome memory in my life!!! End of topic...

Then in the midst of all the internship excitement came my results!!! I felt nothing about it when I saw it... Because, I don't know... I mean, okay let's just leave it as it is... I really hope to do well in my current semester!!! End of topic...

After internship was over, I had mixed feelings, sad that it was over, and also happy because I had at least a 1 week break before my school... How I wished I could just go back to my office instead of my school!!! School is currently going fine! Definitely it is better than last semester, because I get to see many more of my classmates frequently, and hence I have alot in my mind, and hence if there are like depressing thoughts, it is much more easier to divert the focus... (I should be thinking about Allah, and hence life would not be stressful, but Inshaa'allah I will try to think of Him often!) End of topic...

Hari Raya Haji
This year it was different! Instead of at my granny's place, we had it at my uncle's home! I expected it to be more fun but it was the opposite because my cousins all arrived so late! But one thing that made me happy was my outfit!!! It was a trendy lace Baju Kurong!!! Mine was the orange version, while Rini's was grey, (we wanted blue instead of grey, but no more stock, and we were rushing) and so the top had the lace, while the skirt is all so flowy!!!! Flowy means, not like what you are thinking now, it was flowy to the MAX!!!! I realised its maxi flowiness when my mother had dried it on the bamboo pole, and the skirt dropped till the ground so imagine it as a 90 degree flowiness!!! Yeah so it was all so beautiful when we walked because when you walk, it just flows along!!! So pretty!! Then after lunch and meeting my cousins, we left. End of topic....

Oh my, I just realised how long this post was.. I will try to keep it short next time, Inshaa'allah!! Till then buh-bye everyone!!! :D

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Ultimate Goal in Life

Assalaamu alaikum everyone! 

Wow it had been so many days since I returned to my blog. And to see 112 page views is simply an awesome feeling. Alhamdulillah!

Well, the reason for the absence is due to... what do you think? Yes, you got it right!! School!! Been so busy with school, projects, assignments and sooooooo on. Today I had my second last presentation in school. And the final presentation will be next week, so I decided yesterday that I would pop by today to write a post. 

And so, here I am.

Well, even though its supposed to be catch up session of my absence (omg, absence sounds damn weird and scary, let me change it to, hmm..) since its supposed to be catch up session of whatever happened when I was away from my blog, (sounds better right?) today I changed my mind to write up a post about something which happened today.

So today, as I said earlier, had my second last presentation. In the morning, after the usual routine of watching my Sheikh's bayan, I wanted to start up on my presentation. But the program started late, and then after the program ended, I decided to take a nap for a short while, before starting on my presentation.

Had set several alarms on my handphone, and happily went to sleep. My 1st alarm went off, and as usual, I snoozed it and went back to my sleep convincing myself that I would get up at the next alarm. And this went on till my last alarm, and at this moment, thinking that if I chose to dismiss my alarm than to snooz it, I would be telling it in my mind to 'get up, get up, get up, time to prepare your presentation!!!'. 

But I didn't. I slept. Till a moment, where I realised that I hadn't convinced myself to get up, and quickly saw the time on the clock. 1 hr to go before I should leave my home to go to school!

I hurried, but now and then a stupid confidence that I would be able to complete it on time, and that nothing would happen in a negative way.

I was wrong.

I had started my presentation slides, now and then, candy crush crossing my mind to just play one life and get back to work. But I didn't. Alhamdulillah! Then played with my hair for awhile, this is where some of minutes went. Then hurriedly doing my presentation. Finally finished, it was like normal looking, nothing too good, nothing too bad. But still a bit below standard than what I wanted it to be. (sometimes I can be a bit of a perfectionist, yeah as I stated in my 1st post. But the thing is I act opposite of it. Either I want it to be done perfect, or just plain lazy. And yes, most of the time I do the latter. Shhhs (to myself) I should not be revealing too much of my flaws)

Okays so, yeah set off to school. Reached late. Wasted more time due to my carelessness. I was the third to present, and Alhamdulillah, I reached just as the 1st presenter was ending off his presentation. 

When finally, my turn came, I went in front, made dua that I should present well. Then as my Sheikh had taught me, said to myself, no no, Allah had made me say that everyone is non-existent, Allah you are the only existent! And started off. 

I don't know, I always read off from the slides. I know that shouldn't be the way, but yeah this is the lazy me.  (perfectionista me, would have stated a few brief sentences on the slides, and after a glance at the slides, would have recalled what should be said and explain in own words to the audience) Sigh, I should really work upon reaching and being my perfectionista self.

Yeah, and the teacher had found out that my presentation was not up to standard, and even asked me straight, Allah made me tell the truth that yes, it was not my standard level of presentation and that I had just recently started to work upon it.

I felt so terrible, after hearing that she was really disappointed in me. And the rest of them had been way better than me! They had their slides so interactive, so so like my perfectionista me.

After everyone had presented, I set off for home. 

On the way home, I was thinking about what happened earlier. I was very sad. I had thought it was okay, how was I to know that others would have done it so much more better? But still, I shouldn't be blaming others, and instead should be blaming myself. Definitely there are hidden talents in people that could not be seen just by seeing the person.

I was thinking, thinking and thinking. Thinking that I should have prepared it or would prepare it in the future if any task is given, I would start immediately upon it. 

Thinking, what had happened to the girl who did so well during her younger days. Studied well during exam days. What happened to that girl? Where did she go? Was she like that because there was no Internet at that time? Was she like that, as she did not have a laptop? Was she really like that because of all those reasons?

Thinking about what I was going to be in the future. At the rate and state I was currently in my education path, where would it lead me to in the future? Can I land in a respectable job? Can I land in a job that doesn't make me appear in a empathetical state?

Then this thought came. This moment was the turning point in my thoughts. I began to think what I was like really doing? I had been doing my thikir! Yes, remembering Allah! My Sheikh had said that if you get Allah, you have gotten everything. Yes! I should be doing my thikir consistently, and remember my Creator for what He has given me. Healthy body, 2 hands, 2 legs, sight, hearing ability, speech, and most of all a life! Life to remember Him! To worship Him!

Then a sudden boost in confidence that with my thikir, Allah would not make me look in a poor state among others. Furthermore, after being a mureed, to my Sheikh, I should be doing thikir as ordered by him. And voila, inshaa'allah everything would turn out well. 

Who cares about education in dunya when you are aiming for the future in jannah! Yes, even though it is still important to study, 1st priority goes to Him. Then the rest. I realised that I was going in the right track. I was going towards a life aimed at the future.

I felt happy. I have found the ultimate goal in life! :)

Thursday, July 18, 2013

1 whole tired day...

Its been quite some time since I last blogged, almost going to be a week! Phew!

So, today was really really REALLY long day!!! Had an excursion in school. Initially I didn't wanted to go. But since it was COMPULSORY (I still didn't care, but my Mum was the one who forced me to go), I decided to go.

After sahr, subuh, started my laptop to listen to my Sheikh's bayan. Then I went to get ready, and watched the 2nd half of the program. While listening, I was either TRYING to fall asleep (to show Mum that I'm THAT tired, make her ask me to sleep, and skip the excursion), or I REALLY started to sleep (as I was really tired). But, I know that I was pretending. And I didn't feel like cheating Mum.

Decision was made to finally leave my house and go to school!

Reached school on time for the excursion. Waited for some time for the rest to come. Then left school. Oh ya, as my friends didn't take this module, they need not come. And hence was really worried about who was going to sit beside me in the bus (1 of the reasons as I wanted to skip this!! But hey, you gotta congratulate me for taking a brave step to overcome this challenge!!) Yeah, while everyone was sitting in the bus, waiting for the teachers, I was just looking out the window to surprise myself later to know who my partner was.

And guess what?

It was my 1 of my teachers who sat beside me. THAT WAS SO SO SOOO AWKWARD!!!! But it was okay. I can't remember who started to talk first, but we talked!! (I mean, I find it difficult to always start or keep a convo, and furthermore a TEACHER!! It would be difficult to really talk comfortably to your own teacher for like half an hour?) Ok, but we didn't really talk that long. As far as I can remember, there were 3-4 exchanges between us. After that as I didn't know what else to talk about, it ended there.

Ok, enough about talking!

We reached the 1st location. Walked here, walked there. Then there was a finale ending kind of talk and we listened to the speakers who were the employees of the company. As I was alone, and hence free to sit anywhere I wanted, I went and sit in a row of girls, with 3 empty chairs at the start of the row. I went and sat beside one of the girls. (let's call her Pauline) Then while waiting for everyone to settle down, suddenly Pauline started saying something to me! I was like surprised! I mean, we have never talked before, and she started talking as though we were already friends.

Now and then she started saying about things that was happening at the talk. We became friends! I was happy that I got a buddy! (or at least some one to hang out with throughout the excursion) I always believed she was very quiet, and didn't realise she can start a convo out of nowhere!

Then after the talk had ended, we moved on to our buses (sad that we were from different class). Reached 2nd location, but before that it was lunch break. I went along with Pauline to find seats, and that place was so crowded! We would have walked 3 times back and forth the whole stretch of stalls. And I still can't believe Singaporeans are still using the tissue method to chope seats.

Truthfully, never in my life have I ever seen tissues on top of tables that were meant to be 'reserevd'. Till I watched (what was the drama?) ah, it was, 'The Pupil'. One of the episodes was about this tissue issue (nice huh? :) But I seriously feel this should be like banned or something. Why can't one person in a group wait and take care of things, while the rest go and buy their food? Seriously I can't believe adults act this way. I'm proud to say that throughout my entire school life we have never used tissue to chope seats.

Ok, so back to the story. Pauline and I decided that the only way was to share seats with some one. We found one guy sitting and sipping his coffee, and Pauline went to ask him. He said ok, and we sat. She went on to buy her meal, while I was sms-ing Rini (what could I do? I couldn't possibly be looking at people eating, which would arouse my hunger sense, but still the whole aroma of the stalls made me feel a teeny weeny bit hungry).

After lunch, at the 2nd location, I went along with her. What I feel something different about her is that, her convos are so different and how do I say? Hmm, just different, from the convos I normally have with people. That was the plus point! She could talk about anything and everything!

Then we moved to 3rd location. This is where we had to be separated (also in the buses, but, location0-based separation) We had to be split into two groups to save time.
 After that when it was time to go home, she went first with some others as they lived nearby the 3rd location. I had to go back to school, and from there as usual take my bus and train.

And I don't know what is the reason but I really found my bus taking a really really long time to arrive! I could not be patient anymore as the bustop crowd grew larger. So I went to the other side and took my bus. Technically, the other side is a longer route, but still, I would be able to take 3 buses there instead of 1 at the usual here. Bus came quickly. It was a double decker. I decided to go up and take a nap till my stop. Then decided not to as the bus had started moving, and I didn't want to climb the stairs awkwardly. I should have at least gone up at the next stop, but too lazy.

Then comes the mrt station. I do not know why it takes damn long for the trains to arrive! Like almost 8 mins at Jurong East. When I saw the screen at first, it showed 3 mins. But it didn't arrive! Trains on the other sides except at the one I was waiting for, came and came ad came. Crowds grew again behind us, and infront of us at the other side of the platform.

Finally realised that the 3 mins train was arriving at a different platform! SIgh, I can't believe I still do not know how to read these signs. My train came, I stood at the centre, grabbed the pole (that's what you call it right?), as I prefer to hold onto something. I can struggle alot to stand without holding onto anything, and especially if I'm carrying my baby (laptop). Then this old man, who came from the opposite entrance, came and first hold onto the pole, then decided to lean back. I quickly took my hand away! I also can't understand why people should lean onto poles!! You are preventing a million lives from holding onto the pole!!

Then I was like standing trying my best not to topple over, or step onto someone's feet if I lose my balance. But the thing is (which I don't know whether to say it is a good thing or a bad thing) the train went extremely slow! Slower than usual! I really wanted to get back home asap to grab some sleep. But if it had gone fast, chances are high of me toppling over.

My stop came, walked, walked and walked more to reach home! Then I saw Lucifer (neighbourhood cat) sitting so cutely at the neighbouring block beside mine! I looked at it and smiled, Lucifer looked at me and just kept on staring (of course, cats don't really smile). Reached home, and wanted to rest awhile before praying. Then as you know me, fell asleep. But alhamdulillah, Allah woke me up for me to pray.

Had iftar consisting of mee goreng (made by my granny who passed some to us), instant roti prata (made by Rini I guess), idiyappam (made by Mum), to accompany the prata and idiyappam, mutton curry, porridge, mocha cake, and tea. Couldn't taste my Mum's mutton curry, as I ate mee goreng, but nevertheless the mee goreng was AWESOME!!! :D

This was my whole day of events. Inshaa'allah, must sleep soon to wake up for sahr tomorrow, and inshaa'allah, I could get my hands on the mutton curry. Speaking, of it my stomach is doing something, so gonna grab an oreo!! Till we meet again, toodles!!! :)

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Just thoughts - Handphone series - Part 2

Assalamu alaikum! Since I was bored, decided to post up on my next post from my handphone series. This part 2, is mainly just from my thoughts which I had during hard times, most probably a school incident. I can't remember what happened exactly happened on that day. 

As for the title, hahah, that is the title I have given for this story in my handphone. I read through a couple of times, but just could not get any better title, so I went with this. But at least I'm improving from a title-less part 1 to a funny-title part 2!

Ok, so without further ado, I present to you Just thoughts.

- - - Just thoughts

'Why is everybody so selfish?' I ask this question, and think back to see if I'm one of those kind too. Then the answer I give myself is no, which might be a lie, told by a blind eye. But what if its the truth, that its a lie, I tell myself?

The heart just gets weaker and weaker, and the eyes follows its cues. Tears fill up, but fear to drop, on the face of its owner.

Feelings are kept within, and are only known to the world through something, through a medium. If it could have been felt and known without any medium, I wonder how great it would be. 

But then again, the word 'strong' would lose its identity. - - - 

I actually read before posting, and the last line was a bit out of place. Then I remembered that there is a hidden message in it. Ok, unless you have guessed it right, this is the hidden message.

'If it could have been felt and known without any medium, I wonder how great it would be. 

But then again, the word 'strong' would lose its identity.' 

If feelings can be understood and felt by others, we would be depending on them always. You got to have a (what's the word? strong will? googling, yeah I'm close) You got to have a strong-willed heart to face any obstacle in life. So if everyone just helps each other (which is good, but what if they don't, and for how long will they help?), what's the point of the existence of the word 'strong'? You need to be strong, doa to Allah, and be confident that your Allah will help you. 

(googling for verse that starts about verily) 

3rd result! "verily, with hardship, there is relief (94:6)", Surah Al-Insyirah. Allah has mentioned that with hardship, there is relief, and he repeats it. Imagine the power of this verse, if it had to be repeated twice in the Qur'an!

So definitely, Allah will bring ease to you. Be confident, be strong, smile and move on! :)

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Ramadan Day 1

Today is the 1st day of school for this year in Ramadan. Yesterday night, as a family, we went to Masjid Abdul Gafoor mosque, to do our tarawih prayers, (a special prayer during Ramadan). After praying tarawih, a blessed feeling that on the 1st night of Ramadan, (in our Islamic calendar, night comes before day) we have kick started well!!! Allah made us pray. Then to satisfy hunger pangs, went to Anandha Bavan restaurant to have our dinner.

After that, returned back home, slept to wake up early for sahr. But I could not even sleep. However much I try to, just could not sleep, maybe it was because I had an afternoon nap. Or it was because of the tea I had before sleeping.

Woke up for sahr and while I was completing half my plate, my Dad was rushing me to eat faster, as Subuh was nearing. I am naturally a slow eater. I don't know how people can eat so fast. Usually the last to complete my meal in family and also with my group of friends. Maybe because I savour the tastes of each grain and spice. After finally finishing, drank some water, and my mum made tea, and also asked to finish a cup. I drank the liquids, and finally managed to say my niyyah, (a form of intention for the upcoming task, which is in this case, "I'm fasting for the sake of Allah").

After Subuh, and some thikir, my mum asked to switch on my laptop to watch my Sheikh's bayan (speech). Then we watched the live program. It was (what should I say?), hmm, beautiful? Yeah, it certainly was. And we were lucky to have been able to watch that program as last year, the program did not work. It was definitely beautiful, as my Sheikh came to our house through the program. I really want him to come to Singapore! I really want to meet him. One could listen to his bayan for hours. The way he teaches us about who we are and who is Allah. Even though it was only for half an hour, it was defnitely worth watching. What more could I ask for to start off my day, by meeting my Sheikh? :)

Then it was time to go to school. The day went okay, but now and then I was tempted to get the water bottle from my bag, to take a sip, then I realise its Ramadan and hence I didn't even put a water bottle in my bag. After that went back home, with plans not to take a nap, as I decided to sleep properly at night. I also told Rini not to, but she didn't listen to me and was already asleep, as I came back from the restroom. Since it was about 5.45pm, I decided to past my time by playing games in my handphone. But I should have done thikir. 

Then, I was really bored of the game, and decided to just lie down for awhile, and had set alarms just in case I really sleep. Then what? I slept, alarm rang, snoozed. Until my Dad, came from the other room to wake us up, as it was nearing time to break our fast. He asked "have you prayed Asar?", and I got up, said no, and went to take wudhu. He scolded (in my dictionary), said (in Rini's dictionary) for sleeping without praying. And I felt bad. I know, it may appear, as though its a small thing or even NOTHING for some people, but I'm abit like this. I always feel bad, if anything negative comes from my parents. And Rini, she's a thick-skin girl, one ear go in, the other out. But I can't be like this. 

After breaking fast with dates, samosas, mee siam, porridge, and tea, it was time for Magrib prayer. After praying, my Dad went to mosque, while my mum went to visit her ill friend, so me and Rini were left at home. 

Now, I have prayed Ishak, read 2 Ains of the Qur'an, but yet to complete my goal of thikir. Rini spoilt my counter while throwing it to me, she threw higher, and it fell on the floor. Now, only the 1st digit can be seen. :( My mum, who is a nagger forever (rhyme time, hahah) would start her nagging whenever she realises that my counter is spoilt. 

But its ok, I could use the tasbih. And, I really hope, my parents bring me and Rini to the mosque to pray. One thing to expect for tomorrow, would be my Sheikh's bayan. Since I wrote about his bayan, I would like to share what I remember from the program. 
- Firstly, he said that during Ramadan, we are nearer to Allah than ever before. Why? Because, we are not eating, or drinking, and we are also obeying His orders which is to fast.
- Another thing is that, it is important to eat later for sahr (dawn time), and break the fast immediately upon Magrib (dusk time). 
- It is also important to think of Allah's mercy to us. He is the only living, He is the owner of knowledge, intention, energy, sight, hearing, speech. Allah has given these 7, to us to remember Him and worship Him. These 7 qualities do not belong to us. Our 7 qualities, are the opposite of the above 7 mentioned. 

These are some of things I remember from his bayan. Excited for tomorrow!!! So, till then toodles! :)

Ramadan Preparation

Assalamu alaikum to my readers! I have decided to have a plan for the upcoming Ramadan. So here I go. Firstly, since I became a mureed (disciple) to my Sheikh (spiritual teacher), I have been asked to do a daily thikir that comprises of 125 astagfirullahulaleem, 100 salawats to our beloved Prophet Muhammad Nabi (s.a.w), and 100 allahu allah.

Ever since then, I have been keeping a record of the thikir in a notebook. But due to laziness, I have pending thikir to do. So this Ramadan I have decided to x2 in each thikir daily, Inshaa' allah. Even though it may appear small, I feel its time to really do something to decrease and eventually finish my thikir.

And another plan is that, I have teamed up with Rini, to read the Qur'an daily, each of us at least reading 2 Ains. We have started this plan, you know to get the feel, and its going okay. Hopefully Inshaa'allah, we read 2 Ains and more daily, and eventually complete reading the Qur'an by the end of the month.

Ramadan is a month for us to fast, which means to refrain from food and drink. But many fail to understand that there is fasting for the eyes, ears, mouth, and soul, that is to keep yourself away from the haram. 

Inshaa'allah I'm trying my very best at not to tease or scold Rini. Lets all strive to achieving a Ramadan which brings us tons of rewards! :)

Handphone series - Part 1

Assalaamu alaikum! So as you all can see from the title, I'm going to share my thoughts which I have been writing in my handphone as mentioned in the 1st post. Yes, I know the title is too vague, but I seriously didn't know what to name it.  And here I go, by scrolling down by handphone's notes to bring you the story of a baby.

(P.s. this is written by myself. So if there are any faults or defects, forgive me.)

- - - A baby is always seemed to be happy every time we see it smiling. And we would wish that we could be a baby again, always happy playing with toys, no problems faced such as in school, work, or family, carried around or pushed in a pram.

But it also cries at times. When we look at the crying child, we feel sad and we quickly attend to it by checking what it needs. The baby finally gets what it wanted by crying.

Likewise we should also ask Allah whatever we want by crying. Sincerely crying when asking doa, Allah fulfills it, or he gives something better than what was asked for as our doa might bring harm to us in the future, or he would fulfil it in Jannah.

When the baby cries all the time, we might get irritated. As humans, we get irritated when a baby cries, but Allah does not when a human cries. Ain't He wonderful? - - -

I wanted to name this as "The baby", but then its not entirely about the baby. Then I wanted to name this as "Allah's Mercy", then felt funny. So I named it as it is now, hahha! :)

Monday, July 8, 2013

Bismillah! Starting on my blog!

So excited! Finally made my mind to start a blog. So, where shall I begin? ok, so intro first! I'll be using a ps... (checking google), (ya, found it), so I'll be using a pseudonym for myself which is Rohi. (this is to hide my identity, hide identity of people in my life) (just for safety reasons). Ok so I'm Rohi, in a family of 4, Dad, Mum, and Rini, my younger sister.

Omg, what do I write? ok, nevermind, I have written notes in handphone, but I thought, it would be wonderful to share it with others, so my blog will comprise of the notes in my handphone, and also my life experiences.

About me - living in Singapore. Indian-muslim (meaning we are muslims who speak tamil). A disciple for my Sheikh (a guide who brings you towards Allah). A student currently doing my final year studies in a polytechnic. Love to play games, love sweets, loves a good company of people around me. A bit of a perfectionist, too sensitive, likes fashion trend.

About closed ones - 
Dad - A hardworking dad. Someone who I always feel is right in whatever he do. My role-model. In fact a role-model for everyone around him. I love the way he laughs! Oldest in the family.

Mum - A home-maker. Always nagging. Asking me or Rini to do something, bring this bring that, do this, do that. Fighter. Someone who I can't really understand well, as sometimes she takes a joke too seriously, but something serious as a joke. If I do something this way, she would ask why I didn't do it that way, and vice versa. Second oldest in the family.

Rini - A cutie pie sister who I've got, from Allah! She is smarter than me, prettier than me, cuter than me, younger than me by 1 year and shorter than me!! hahhah!! of course, as an elder sister I should be taller. She is my bestfriend!! No, no, she is more than a best friend!! I always feel that I am, who I am around her. I love her smile! Youngest in the family.

So since this is the 1st post, its just the introduction before I begin to unravel my life's experiences. So toodles for now, byes!!! :D 

Oh ya, totally forgot about the rules for commenting. I would really prefer something positive and genuinine. No vulgarities / short forms of them / rephrasement of vulgarities (not sure how to explain these) / harsh and negative comments, are allowed. Thank you and I hope you achieve an enjoyable reading pleasure!